Thursday, September 17, 2009

But Back To Ebert For A Sec...

... his review of Jennifer's Body has me even more enthusiastic about seeing it this weekend. True, he's had a hard-on for Diablo Cody since Juno, but so have I, so it's meant to be. Anyway, he's got a couple of great quotes in the review, which you should read in its entirety, go do that now, but I'm gonna snatch the couple I liked and post 'em here.

"Diablo Cody's next screenplay after “Juno” is a 180-degree reversal, with the heroine now transformed into a fiend who eats the flesh of teenage boys. Can you imagine Juno's poor boyfriend, Michael Cera, with steak sauce?"

I can, and I have. Next!

"Why do characters always enter creepy empty houses and feel their way in the dark, when they should stand outside on the sidewalk and whistle?"

That is a fine question. I offer up, "Because the plot requires it." Next!

"There is within Diablo Cody the soul of an artist, and her screenplay brings to this material a certain edge, a kind of gleeful relish, that's uncompromising. This isn't your assembly-line teen horror thriller. The portraits of Jennifer and Needy are a little too knowing, the dialogue is a little too off-center, the developments are a little too quirky. After you've seen enough teen thrillers, you begin to appreciate these distinctions."

I empty out my box of crayons and circle and underline this entire passage several times over. I've seen so many of these movies, you hunger for an original spin on old material like, dare I say, a bloody-thirsty demon in the shape of Megan Fox. Dare I say? I do. I say that!

But yeah, this has got me more excited. The end.

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