Monday, August 10, 2009

"Why... can't I... stay?"


Aww, I pop back and fling that sadness at ya first thing, I am too cruel for school. But it came up in conversation yesterday - that heartbreaking scene from Angel, that is - and the line itself also seems to have a purpose here, because I have no clue if I'll be able to even post this or not, or even if I do if I'll be able to post again soon... as you probably noticed, my computer access has gotten a bit effed-in-the-face the past several days. It's coming and going right now, which is better than what it was, which was gone gone gone, but... will it stay now? I do not know. But I am here somewhere and this should hopefully be sorted out soon enough. Hopefully.

Anyway. How is everyone? Good? Good.


homeslaughter said...

When you computer is up and running again will you turn into a blue demon wearing a cat suit?

Jason Adams said...

I fucking hope so!

Wayne B said...

Hope you get to posting as regularly as your heart desires soon enough. Love the new banner photo. It's my second favourite Faris performance. Why hasn't Angela Bettis gotten more prominent work?

James said...

Your banner made my fucking day. May is one of the best movies of the past decade.

Oh and Anna I love you!

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back amongst the living, sir!

Dale said...

You, sir, are an evil evil man. *sob*

Lovely to have you back, JA.

Jim said...

I hate you. That was the worst. Even sadder than when Anya died. and you just had to dig it up again.