Tuesday, August 04, 2009


So the rumor's been bouncing about for awhile that Guy Ritchie's amped up the sexual tension (and possibly more) between Sherlock and Watson in his Sherlock Holmes movie. And today via Towleroad comes a nice slice of homo-panic from the incompetent non-critic Michael Medved, who had this to say on the possibility:

"There's not a seething, bubbling hunger to see straight stars impersonating homosexuals. I think they're just trying to generate controversy . . . They know that making Holmes and Watson homosexual will take away two-thirds of their box office. Who is going to want to see Downey Jr. and Law make out? I don't think it would be appealing to women. Straight men don't want to see it."

Well here at MNPP we're hardly a seething bubbling hot-bed of the people Medved is saying will be repulsed by such things so this is hardly gonna be a fair contest, but I'm inspired to ask anyway:




J.D. said...

I was tempted to vote for the last option. But I'd rather not replace either...

Jason Adams said...

JD, I considered the three-way option but knew it'd steal every single vote so shrugged that one off in the end.

Ginger Henry said...

Straight women don't want to see men make out? Says who? Sounds more like Mr. Medved wants to make sure no one might think he would like to see such goings on.