Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Hate 'Eggs'

I should probably post more about True Blood than I have, y'all get so excited when I do. It's adorable. (Adorkable?) I am officially completely 100% caught up with the show now; I watched this past Sunday's episode on Monday. And it must now be said: I hate 'Eggs'.

What is the consensus on him? Does anyone else just hate him with a huge fiery pit of fiery-hate-passion in their guts like I do? Every time he's on-screen I want to tear his face off. First off, his name is 'Eggs' and that's just gross. And then he's always strumming that fucking guitar. I'll cram that goddamned guitar right up his ass!

Deep breaths. But seriously. Will they kill that fucker already? Don't they understand that every second they waste on him is a second they could be devoting to my beloved Jessica???

Or maybe to a second that Maryann
and Jessica could be hanging out? Ahh!!!

And ever since he got his hair cut I am definitely understanding the Alexander Skarsgård lust, but can they pleeeease not outfit him in strappy tank-tops?

That thing is embarrassing us all. He looks all circa 1987 hanging-out-at-Muscle-Beach bodybuilder in that thing. No.


Joe Reid said...

I think the last couple weeks have worked to make Eggs more of an actual character rather than just an impossibly chiseled fuck machine. But he's still barely a character.

And you're dead right about that tank top. When the straps are so strappy that it looks like a halter? It's officially too strappy. Back to the track suits!

Branden said...

I agree with you, JA.

I thought his name was "X" instead of "Eggs." That's even worst. I tolerate him.

I wish they would deal more with Jessica and Hoyt. I love their relationship more than Bill and Sookie. (They are so tired.)

Eric needs to get NEKKID! Done

Anonymous said...

Ha! This is hilarious cause Ilka and I were talking on the phone (don't worry, my party line should be installed next week so we can all talk, squeal!) and we agreed that we like Eric and his goth girl tank tops! Eggs is annoying, but not nearly as bad as BILL! I hate BILL. If I hear him say "Sookkay" one more I will find him... so help me god I will. And Sookie can only redeeem herself to me if she leaves him and starts flirting with Eric more!

it's Bri...
Ilka almost got attacked by a bear yesterday.

Wayne B said...

Well Eggs is "Satan in a motherfuckin' beautiful Sunday hat." Totally agree with you that Erik is so much hotter with the haircut; I don't mind the tank-top look so much.

I LOVE Jessica too; during last Sunday's episode her character's realization made me tear up a little. The thing I keep thinking: Where the hell is Sophie-Anne LeClerq ALREADY?!

shaun said...

Ha, you've now lapped me...I'm an episode behind...fortunately, I stopped reading after the first couple of sentences...I'll know soon enough whether I now hate Eggs, too!

Pax Romano said...

Eggs? You don't like Eggs? Bitch, please! He's so fine...oh well more for me.

Jason Adams said...

shaun I didn't say anything spoilery in the post; I didn't even get specific on why I like or don't like anything. I've hated Eggs for several episodes now, really actually the entire time he's been on the show. It only grows the longer he's around.

And yes, I am shocked, because in theory I should find him hot and lord knows hot usually outweighs so many concerns of mine. But not with him! I find him unbearable. I think part of it's because I like Tara so so much and I don't like seeing her act a fool right now just because this dude's batting his double-d pecs at her. But that's just part of it; if he were well-written or an actor that could get around the part's limitations then maybe there'd be something for me to give a shit about. But I just don't like him. Not a bit!

Branden I almost mentioned that I can't believe that Eric hasn't gotten naked yet. Skarsgard isn't shy, he's gotten naked before. Give it up!

I think part of why I (and probably some of y'all) like Jessica so much is her character is SO right out of Buffy. Plus Deborah Ann Woll is a terrific actress too.

Ms Scrappy said...

I'm not crazy about Eggs either but I don't hate him as much as I hated that pig/deer twit. Eggs stock went up in my book for getting rid of her.

shaun said...

LOL...worry not...I'm of the "if you don't want spoilers, don't read the Interwebs" I wasn't casting dispersions for acts of spoilery...can't wait to watch last week's ep, though!!!

DuchessKitty said...

But all of the annoying, bad things about Eggs (except his name) aren't his fault - they're Maryann's! As much as I love Michelle Forbes and want to love Maryann, I can't. She's an evil asshole.

Count me in as another lover of Eric's tanks. It's because of the 1987 Muscle Beach-ness that I think they're awesome. I can't help myself.

Branden said...

I did hear something spoilery about Eric and Sookie. Let's say "something" happens.

I agree with Wayne. Jessica's realization was hearbreaking. Made me heart her even more.

Also, Wayne, Sophie is not appearing until the last two episodes of the season. She will have a bigger part next year.

Wayne B said...

Branden - thanks, i'll just have to impatiently wait for some Evan Rachel Wood.