Monday, August 03, 2009

A Couple More Names...

... have been added to the Dollhouse second-season casting pile worth trumpeting. Last week we heard that Battlestar's towel-jockey Jamie Bamber had signed up for a role of some sort, and now via Slash/Film comes word that these fine folks are signed up for appearances of some sort:

Alexis Denisof

Formerly Known As: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce on Buffy and Angel

Also Known As: Mr. Alyson Hannigan

Why This Is Awesome: He's one of Joss' reliable stable of actors that doesn't get enough work otherwise. See also: Amy Acker,

Summer Glau

Formerly Known As: River Tam in Firefly and robo-girl Cameron on The Sarah Conner Chronicles.

Why This Is Awesome: When they did those cross-over commercials with Summer and Eliza, this seemed a natural progression... even moreso once SCC got the boot. She'll fit right in.

Michael Hogan

Formerly Known As: Colonel Saul Tigh on Battlestar

Why This Is Awesome: He gave arguably the best performance on a show filled with great performances (there can be no argument during their time under Cylon occupation that he was batting .300). Dude rocks. I hope he gets to snarl once, he does it so well.


S said...

this is awesomeness beyond awesomeness.

A bit worring though, the show might turn into what-semi-famous-Sci-Fi-star-is-guest-starring-this-week. But all those actors are filled with win so it doesn't matter.

shaun said...

Anyone else think that Alexis is quite the cutie? Have always thought so ;o)