Wednesday, August 05, 2009

And In Other Awesome News...

... I'm just stealing this wholly from PopWrap - thanks Jarett! - because it falls well inside my area of study. Namely, Eric Bana's sweet butt-naked ass. This is The Bana talking up his nudity in his rom-dram The Time-Traveler's Wife:

"I read the scenes and thought my character was butt-naked for quite a bit. But, it's PG-13, [I assumed] I'll never have to take my clothes off. Well, I was wrong. I was so wrong. Every third of fourth day they were like, 'Eric, drop your pants,'"

Why wasn't I on this set? I could've snuck on set, maybe been serving coffee and doughnuts. To his penis. But seriously. Dude! I want audio of this conversation just to have an mp3 of him saying, "Eric, drop your pants," to listen to over and over again. If I had a cell-phone it'd be my ring-tone.

Anyway this reminds me that when I watched Funny People on Monday night there was this pair of females sitting behind me and I swear to you every single time The Bana was on-screen and then went off-screen - love to watch him walk away, we did - one of the women inhaled really loudly and then whispered to her friend, "He is SO hot." Every single time. Normally that sort of thing annoys the living fuck out of me, but since it was exactly what I was thinking at the exact same time every time, I was amused.


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