Thursday, July 23, 2009

"That's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking."


I haven't listened to this with the sound on yet and I've never even heard of this dude Miles Fisher, whose video it is, so I can't tell you either way if his music is any good - it's apparently a cover of a Talking Heads song that he's singing - but dude makes good Patrick Bateman face, so why not post? Yes, Patrick Bateman as in Christian Bale's character from American Psycho - the whole video's an homage to that fave film o' mine. (via)



It's a shame that Mr. Fisher substitutes those not-clingy-enough boxer shorts for the eye-searing (in the best of ways) tighty-whities that Bale rocked so wholly... completely... fully... but I guess he just didn't have the balls. Ba dum bum ching.

Still, he's cute, and yes that is the "American socialite, fashion model, columnist, and heiress" Lydia Hearst that's he's fucking and murdering as she somewhat successfully apes the amazing Cara Seymour's disaffected performance as the working-girl "Christie."

God I love Cara Seymour. Nat just brought her up the other day too. She rules. Anyway, if you like the music in this here video - and I can't tell you since I ain't heard it - you can download his album right here for free. Not very Bateman of you there, Miles. He'd never debase himself with something so anti-Capitalist as free.



M said...

Oddly exciting. The music is catchy.

timothy grant said...

Great video. It's better without the sound, though.

Kristine said...

I can't believe how much he looks like CB. Wow.