I still want to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (mainly because I am an unstoppable sucker) but after watching the teaser trailer that popped up today (it keeps vanishing but you can maybe still catch it here, that's where I just watched it) I have something to say:
I am fucking sick to death of Johnny Depp right now.
I feel bad for saying it, he's brought me so much pleasure in my life, in his career, but as soon as he showed up in this trailer I just wanted to punch him in the fucking face. Please let his part as The Mad Hatter be as small as it's supposed to be (if it's anything close to the original stories) and not as enormous as this trailer is pretending it will be! Gah. I can't take another whimsical white-face abomination from him right now. Really, Johnny. Step the fuck off.
Amen to that, brother!
Depp has reached Brandoesque levels of self-indulgent b.s. in his roles, lately, and the sheer monotony of it alone is enough to make me want to slap the bejeebus out of him.
I do kind of agree with you in principle, but are you back to pretending you didn't enjoy "Sweeney Todd"?
No, my like of ST did occur to me, but I'm still sick of him all the same. It's complicated!
I'm with you...the love affair (for the moment at least) is a bit over...
Agreed. I thought this movie was supposed to turn Mia Wasikowska into the megastar she's destined to be (knock wood) and not be another excuse to watch Depp mug for two hours.
I wouldn't have been worried so much, but he is the only credited cast member. If they release a poster and his is the only above title name I'm gonna scream.
Agreed. This trailer is ridiculous. Mia Wasikowska feels like such a good fit for Alice, and there are other great A-list stars on offer besides Johnny Depp. Why don't we get to see more of them? The CGI looks pretty ropey as well.
Ah Fucking Men.
I'm writing a piece about how Burton is the worst thing to happen to Depp. I'm sick of him playing dress up and acting the fool.
It's a sideshow.
Of course Ed Wood is not part of my piece, since I think that's the one film they did together that's fantastic.
I agree with you man, I'm sick of Depp in the Tim Burton's movie, he should work with someone else, and Depp should stop dressing up for Burton.
Oh, jeez, THANK you. I am sick to death of a man I once considered one of the most interesting actors of his generation. I read a piece recently about how he doesn't want to do Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote anymore, and all I could think was, you know, that's sad that he'd rather do more Pirates and The Lone Ranger than actual acting.
Sick. To. Death.
It feels good to get this off my chest but, with the exception of Pee Wee Herman's Big Aventure, Batman Returns (well half of it) and Ed Wood, I find Tim Burton's really boring and non magical. But I often wonder if Winona Ryder cries into her pillow at night because Burton chose Depp over her.
I second Ms. Scrappy.
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