Friday, July 24, 2009

The Foulest Stench Is In The Air

It felt really really good the other day to finally let out my frustrations about that Alice in Wonderland teaser trailer and Johnny Depp's role therein specifically... and I think y'all felt it too since the comments have been enthusiastically agreeable. For me, it was like that mythical piece of straw drifted down and broke this camel's back at last. It'd been building towards it for awhile. And now... well the breaking news from Burton's lips at ComiCon isn't helping, I'm afraid (via DH):

"Its been previously touched upon, but now its confirmed - Tim Burton's first project after his upcoming "Alice in Wonderland" 3D project will be the long gestating "Dark Shadows" film says Digital Spy.

Based on the cult '60s supernatural TV show, the spooky soap-opera featured gothic horror staples like vampires, ghosts and zombies. Johnny Depp is attached to play Barnabas Collins, the vampire patriarch of the series.

"That’s something that [Depp and I] both love and are excited about. When I’m done with [Wonderland] I’ll definitely focus on that" says Burton."

Oh joy! Johnny Depp will do yet another Tim Burton movie next, one filled with creaky Gothicism and cobwebs and high collars. Just what they need to do to get back into our (my) good graces.

To be fair, once upon a time I expressed interest in this project and maybe just maybe Alice in Wonderland, something else I've expressed an unrelenting interest in, won't offend me as deeply as that teaser trailer did, and maybe just maybe my tide will turn and I'll look forward to this project once again. But given Burton's recent track record (my like of Sweeney Todd notwithstanding) I don't know. I'm kinda just sick of it right now. Sick to death!


John T said...

I personally love the idea of Burton teaming with Depp for Dark Shadows, but the Alice thing doesn't make as much sense. Dark Shadows is a sudsy, addictive soap opera, but Alice is something more. A wicked, demented trip down the rabbit hole that would have been far more interesting in the hands of David Lynch or Terry Gilliam. With Burton, I worry that it will be a comical farce (a beautiful one, but still), whereas the story lends itself to some twists and turns that would be worthy of a Blue Velvet Fairy Tale.

Ross said...

I read that Johnny's dream project is to play Carol Channing. Now that is a collaboration with Burton I would love to see.

Thelonius Williams said...

This is a spooky movie dream team, Johnny Depp & Tim Burton!!

Prospero said...

I'm surprised you liked Sweeney... I for one, thought he was horribly miscast. Sweeney is a written as a booming, terrifying bass. Depp's reedy tenor turned him into a simple psychopath, rather than a man driven mad with revenge. And Burton's adaptation removed most of the (admittedly dark) humor from Sondheim's masterpiece. I can't remember being more disappointed by a film version of a musical.

Anonymous said...

Nope, sorry, don't agree. If Tim & Johnny never do another film without each other I'd be quite fine with that. So there.