Monday, July 20, 2009

3 Birthdays, 2 Belated


Everybody's new favorite island castaway - seriously, I hope he gave the writing staff a bouquet of cadillacs for his story-line this past season - Sawyer aka Josh Holloway turns the big four-oh today, so a very happy one going out to him for that.

And I missed a couple birthdays over the weekend that were of some import so I'll knock 'em off here quick-style: my best girlfriend forever Kristen Bell turned 29 on Saturday.

I got to enjoy some classic Bell-ness last evening when I finished up the first season of Party Down with a finale that featured her as a ball-busting cater-waiter-cum-drill-sergeant, so that was fun. She was hysterical (as was that whole damned series; I flew through that sucker and now want more, more, more!).

And lastly, yesterday was Hot Piece Jared Padalecki's 27th birthday. I don't have any opinion on him other than he is a hot piece, the end.


1 comment:

John T said...

This would have made a seriously difficult Do Dump or Marry Jason.