Friday, June 26, 2009

You Earned That Mug, Paul Thomas Anderson


You know who I sometimes think should be given a World's Best Director mug? Paul Thomas Anderson. So today, on his 39th birthday, I wish I had his address so I could send one along. Because he's totally deserving of my kitsch givings! Totally.

Dude's made five full-length feature films so far. Dude needs to get to work. Of course, if he keeps knocking them out of the park the way he keeps on doing time and again I guess I can't complain... but he's not getting any younger. I fully expect that come his 40th birthday next year he'll still be known of the director of just five movies and that makes me sad. Get going, PTA! I know you're having fun repeatedly impregnating Maya Rudolph but you gotta come up for air sometime.

But for now... judgment day!
His five films are:

Hard Eight (1996)

Boogie Nights (1997)

Magnolia (1999)

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

There Will Be Blood (2007)

So now I ask for your favorite movie of his. And I ask "favorite" instead of "greatest" because I have a hard time believing that if I said "greatest" any sane person could choose anything other than TWBB. Yes, I'm calling TWBB haters insane. Psychos! Seriously though, TWBB is still, from my perspective, an immediate entry into the pantheon of The Greatest Films Of All-Time. And while I'd place a couple of PTA's other movies in there too, nothing so concretely as that. It is a masterpiece.

But... is it my favorite movie of his?
That right there... that's a tougher question.
So let's have at it.




Jason Adams said...

Poor Hard Eight. :(

shaun said...

He's also rather handsome for a director...directors aren't exactly known as a bunch of lookers...

Joe Reid said...

That is sad for "Hard Eight"! It should rest easy in the knowledge that it's only PTA's second-worst, though.

Fabrizzio said...

Magnolia all the way!

Fabrizzio said...

Punch-Drunk Love is great but it makes me feel uneasy...I think it's the way it's edited.

Button Holed said...