Monday, June 15, 2009

Rosemary Is Dead

Via here comes an interview with horror-remake enthusiasts and resulting blogger-vitriol receptacles, the producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form, the ever-wise duo who've already remade The Amityville Horror, The Hitcher, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Friday the 13th, are currently remaking A Nightmare on Elm Street, and want to remake in the future The Birds (ugh) and Rosemary's Baby (UGH)... and as for the latter, I think we killed it, y'all!!!

"Q: Do you let [online feedback] affect a project you're doing, like "Rosemary's Baby"?

Fuller: No, and it doesn't come from a level of arrogance; it comes from whoever's criticizing "Rosemary's Baby" hasn't read Scott Kosar's – we're calling it "Rosemary's Baby," but we're not doing that movie. But they haven't read Scott Kosar's script, which is now called "The Sacrifice." They haven't read that script, so when they can criticize something they know nothing about, that doesn't resonate with me."

A little later in the interview: "Like, we have a script with Scott Kosar, which I hope we're going to do at Paramount, which is an original script, which is unlike anything ever. It was originally our "Rosemary's Baby" movie, which obviously we're not doing that."

Obviously. Yay! Dead dead dead, rejoice! Although who knows, this "original" script is probably just the story of "MoseRary" and her quest to keep her unborn fetus safe from a bunch of Vegans. Oh terrible me, I criticized the worthiness of the opinions of the people who shit The Amityville Horror remake into the world, how dare I. Now they can focus all their energies on their movie based on Ouija boards. UGH.


Retro Stan said...
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Steven Altis said...

Seriously? " original script, which is unlike anything ever." which used to be a remake of 'Rosemary's Baby' until they just renamed it? Why don't people actually listen to what the words coming out of their mouths are doing?

Stacie Ponder said...

From what I've heard, if what's in the Nightmare script actually makes it to the screen, it's going to be really, really dark and really, really good. But so many things happen between script and screen...

Jason Adams said...

Seriously, Steven. They need to just stop talking. Just do your bullshit and shut up and stop driving us crazy! Every time they open their mouths they just make it worse.

Stacie, I hope you're onto something there! Nightmare is one I am holding out hope for. The casting of Jackie Earle Haley was GENIUS.