Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pic of the Day

Huge thanks to Nat for pointing this one out -
I'd not seen it before. (via)

That's Mia Farrow framing her Rosemary's Baby director Roman Polanski on the set of the film, of course. That's the sweet little bed where she lay in Charles Grodin's office before BETRAYAL and they come and get her and take her back to the apartment complex for the final time before the baby comes. No matter how many times I watch this movie - and I've watched it probably more than any other single film ever - this scene makes me queasy every single time. I always think, "No! Charles Grodin seems so nice and sincere! Maybe he won't do it this time!" But then he does and I hate him anew. I can't find or even remember where I read it but I'm pretty sure that Grodin talked about the fact that his role in this movie got him lots of screams and dirty looks on the street after it came out, and I can't blame them at all. I would've kicked him in this shins if I'd seen him!

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