Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Oh, you're reading a book?"

"What's this one about?"
"Oh, it's about this woman who's incredibly... well, she's a hostess and she's incredibly confident and she's going to give a party. And, maybe because she's confident, everyone thinks she's fine... but she isn't."


Ben said...

That face of hopeful expectation on Julianne Moore's face is exquisite.

Joe Reid said...

Haters be damned, I loved that movie.

Jason Adams said...

I loved everything in this movie - most of all this scene, which is one for the record books - except for Ed Harris, who took the most annoying character in the book and just ramped up everything annoying about him to unbearable levels.

Ben said...

I read a list somewhere of "most unintentionally humorous moments in film". Ed Harris falling out of the window was definitely up there...

Murtada said...

I love the both the movie and the book. My favourite character is Laura Brown. A very brave woman who takes charge of her destiny by making a rather radical and unpopular decision.

And this scene is what sets that up, she realizes that as Tracy Chapman says " leave tonight or live and die this way" and she chooses to live. Eventually.

Love it!

Joe Reid said...

Oh, right, Ed Harris. Objection sustained.

Matt Kilgore said...

When Julianne Moore is on she is so on.

Jason Adams said...

Juli's wonderful here of course but let us not go without praising Miss Collette in this scene! I maintain my stance that Toni gives the best performance in the entire movie in her brief five minutes or so of screen-time. It's a heart-rending swirl of emotions that say so much, all of it wholly believable and unlike anything I'd ever seen from her before, in so little time. LOVE IT.