Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I Am A Snob

I'm having that realization today (for the umpteenth time). There was my post earlier today hating on Transformers, and then a minute ago I'm sitting here looking at the poll on EW.com's main page and it asks the following:

What is summer's Must song?

* The Black Eyed Peas, "I Got a Feeling"
* Katy Perry, "Waking Up in Vegas"
* Lil Wayne feat. Kevin Rudolf, "In Your Face"
* Kid Cudi, "Day N Nite"
* Shinedown, "Second Chance"
* Lady GaGa, "LoveGame"

And once I wiped up all the vomit that I've covered the room in I realized that I must be a snob, because I haven't even heard any of those songs and just the thought of making myself listen to any of those songs make me break out in a rash. I will not do it. You shall not pass! I don't even know what some of those things are. What the hell is a Kid Cudi? I am old.

See, earlier this week I heard myself saying for the five billionth time to someone, "I don't listen to the radio," when they brought up some current hit that's plaguing the air-waves, which is true, I just download shit straight to my iPod that I think I might like, skimming the hipster music blogs for the occasional advice, but mostly I know what I like and I just stick to that. Anyway, hearing it from myself this time I grossed myself out, so it's been a theme this week. I realized that in some respects I can be like the people that make my skin crawl who are all, "I don't own a TV," as if that makes them William fucking Shakespeare and the avant-garde drips from their pores. Ooh fancy you, silk-britches, you're so literate you poop leather-bound encyclopedias.

Anyway I don't really know why I'm sharing all this, except that what this blog is about, allowing me a place to ramble. I don't expect a gold star on my report card for admitting to my Fergie allergy. Just sometimes I spy my own hypocrisy... my double-speak... with regards to my love-hate relationship with pop culture and I felt like commenting upon it. Ta-dah!


J.D. said...


But Lady GaGa kicks ass.

Joe Reid said...

If you're looking for me to tell you you aren't a snob ... well, I won't.

Jason Adams said...

I'm still not convinced that "Lady GaGa" isn't a codeword for a venereal disease.

And Joe, no worries, you're the last person on Earth I'd ever expect to give me some leeway here. Which is not a criticism, it was duly noted long ago and appreciated. But leeway wasn't what I'm looking for; it was just a statement of fact. I ain't looking for anybody's forgiveness! I was just acknowledging the fact that there are enormous portions of pop-culture that I have no time or patience for and that I'm as guilty of snobbery as anybody. More than just anybody! See, I'm better than most snobs because I'm right. ;-)

Sean T. Collins said...

That Kid Cudi song's pretty good.

Dale said...

I had a bad knee-jerk reaction to Lady Gaga because I just hate that name so damn much.

I don't listen to the radio either - it's so rare that I hear a band I like that I stopped bothering. But then, I can definitely be a pop culture snob sometimes, so.