Monday, June 01, 2009

Gerry's Gamer


I haven't paid enough attention to whatever the deal is with this Gamer movie to have formed an opinion on whether I want to see it or not - I haven't watched the trailer and the poster is straight-up lame - but if they release more still of Gerard Butler flexing massive biceps and wearing military uniforms and threatening Michael C. Hall in such close proximity... well I'll certainly give seeing the flick a little more thought than I have so far. Although how about some pics of him threatening Milo Ventimiglia, who's also in the flick and apparently wearing very very tight pants (see below), in close proximity? Hmm? That sounds like something I would like.

Anyway, Gamer's out on September 4th. The above pics are from io9... here are a couple more that I found from around the internets now that I'm looking for them...



Sean T. Collins said...

From the directors of Crank High Voltage, Jason. What else do you need to know?

Jason Adams said...

I knew I was forgetting something I'd read about this movie! You'd posted that before and I blanked on it. You are correct - that is enough!