Monday, June 22, 2009

The Epicenter Of All I Love


Oh my god you guys! Make friends! I love you! I wanna be there with you! Forever, BFFs forever and ever! Can I come over and braid your hair? Can I hold your purses? Can I get you glasses of champagne and tickle your cheek and we'll dance to some silly Eighties song perhaps something by The Miami Sound Machine while we get wasted and laugh and make fun of everybody else there and then we roll up our respective dresses or pant-legs and run down to the beach and there's a bonfire and we talk until the sun comes up and then I fall asleep in the back of your car as we drive home? Sigh. Please?

(pics via, found via)


homeslaughter said...

How tiny is K Bell?

Jason Adams said...

Seriously. She is Thumbelina tiny.

Another valid question: How baked is Anna Faris? The answer: very. Always very.

homeslaughter said...

I am sure they both are baked, Bell did Reefer Madness