Friday, May 08, 2009

Welcome Goodbye To The Dollhouse

Does anyone actually have any hope left in their heart that Dollhouse will get a second season? I'm just not allowing myself the possibility. We got an entire season (well mostly sort of, besides that mysterious 13th episode second finale extra thingamajig that will be on the DVDs of course) that they played all the way through and I am taking that as a happy thing in and of itself and beyond what we ought to expect from a whore-pit-viper like the FOX network.

Speaking of an entire season running its course, tonight is the finale! And I find myself completely swept up in it, don't y'all? The show's gotten goddamned terrific these past few weeks and I am wholly wrapped up in what's going down. I mean sure, there's still some clunkiness, mostly due to network interference (make it sluttier!) as well as a bit of exposed acting limitations (as much as I love them, Dushku is seeeeeeeriously hit-or-miss and as much as I like swooning over Tahmoh's hot ass he's been stiff as a fucking board most of the time), but that's more than made up for by some really solid and surprising story-telling and the acting going on by the MVPs - Olivia Williams is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G in every single second she's on-screen.

Amy Acker is always a delight of course (and everybody else caught the phonetic-alphabet word for W "Whiskey" being flung in her direction last week, correct? The same phonetic-alphabet that all of the Dolls are named using? Mmmhmm.), and the other three dolls - Miracle Laurie as Mellie, Enver Gjokaj as Victor, and Dichen Lachman as Sierra - all have been great fun. Speaking of Enver...

... am I nuts? Does no one else see this? I mean, I love him and think he's been a great discovery but all I see is Dopey when I look at him. Well, Dopey the DILF (that is, Dwarf I'd Like To Fuck, of course).

You can read a review of tonight's finale, written and directed by geeenius Tim "Wonderfalls and Drive" Minear, over at AICN (with some slight spoilerage). Sounds killer. I can't wait!



i can't even BELIEVE how good Enver is on this show. every episode i'm more impressed -- the last episode when he played the actors who had been attic'ed... brilliant. I felt like the previous actor was possessing him.

i am foolish so i keep hoping because it's about thrice as good as when it first began. Buffy didn't get GREAT til 2nd season. Why can't they learn??????

Jason Adams said...

I hope Enver gets more work because he really has been a revelation; you're so right about that scene, Nat.

And I haven't completely squashed the voice at the back of my head whispering that maybe they'll trade in ratings for buzz and give us at least a second short season (as this season has been half-sized too). The show does get talked about a lot and that's gotta be worth something... and it certainly does not look expensive, it can't be costing them that much. They could do another 12 episodes and air it next Summer when they have NOTHING. God they're so small-minded.

mB said...

Yes! I love me some Olivia Williams. Hot accent. And Enver? I gasped out loud when you-know-who (do I need to worry about spoilers in comments? does anyone watch/care?) did you-know-what to him! His pretty pretty face!

Here's hoping it ends with a bang. (The season... the season! NOT the series... :: crosses fingers!::)

Dr. Stan Glick said...

After an uneven start, Dollhouse really started to shape up and live up to the promise of its premise. It ain't ove 'til it's over, but I'm not that hopeful.Pushing Daisies is already gone. And Castle, which I think is just so terrific and smartly written, is yet another new show 'on the bubble' as they say.

gil mann said...

I wouldn't mind seeing it continue, but I'm okay with it as a self-contained story. Dushku really does hobble the show, to the point where I can't imagine them continuing on with her in the lead, and I'm assuming she wouldn't fire herself. Her lack of range would be notable even without Victor and Sierra around---fuck, those two've got some wicked chops.

Something about it just leaves me cold, and I get the feeling it's supposed to, like it's a deconstruction of a Joss Whedon show rather than the thing itself. I'd like to see what Dollhouse would've been like a few years ago before he started writing subtext as text.

Ah, well. I'm a Terminator: SCC guy, so I've got my own renewal issues to deal with.