Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frank & Mia Forever Never

Me being me the very first thought that went through my head upon reading this afternoon's news that Martin Scorsese is directing a biopic of Frank Sinatra was, and I am not kidding, this was literally the very first thought I had, well who will play the Rosemary's Baby era Mia Farrow then?

When I'm in the right sort of mood - it's usually when I'm cleaning, oddly enough - I can blast some Sinatra and shimmy around but mostly I could give a fuck about the man other than the whole Farrow part of his story. Which is this, as relayed by Wikipedia:

"Farrow married singer Frank Sinatra on July 19, 1966, when she was 21 and he was 50. During the production of Farrow's 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, after she refused Sinatra's demand that she quit the film to work on his movie The Detective, he served her with divorce papers on the Rosemary's Baby set."

That's some juicy shit right there that's always been fascinating to me, and that needs to be in the movie. I mean, probably I'm just using this as a mental excuse to cast a scene that's a recreation of the behind-the-scenes of Rosemary within Scorsese's film, and play-casting everyone in my head. Who could play Mia though?

The horror, the horror! Don't you dare even speak it!

Seriously though, the only real option
is Michelle Williams, am I right?

And thankfully she's just finished working
with Marty on Shutter Island! It's perfect!


Anonymous said...

i feel like sienna miller could play the part well. though i know i'm one of few...

homeslaughter said...

Michelle is too fat and Sienna a bit stump necked. He should just do some Benjamin Buttons shit and let Mia play herself

Jason Adams said...

If I didn't know you, homeslaughter, I would jump in here to defend Michelle as not being fat but I do know you and therefore realize what you're getting at is more, "Mia Farrow was dangerously unhealthy in her skinniness." Which... yeah.

Pax Romano said...

Gwyneth Paltrow has always put me in mind of Mia...

Jason Adams said...

And I'm not one of those people who would immediately disqualify Sienna Miller, anonymous - I actually liked her a lot in Factory Girl and in Layer Cake.

Unknown said...

JA, that is PRECISELY who should play her. Michelle Williams is terrific for that role. . .and in fact, I'm starting to think Farrow biopic--- so who plays Woody Allen?

Miller. . .yes--- but definitely less so.