Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Cheaper Dollhouse

I was just thinking on it, and if they want to cost the budget of Dollhouse is there really a quicker way to do that than by cutting wardrobe costs? I speak of course of cutting all funding for the big stuffy costumes they make Tahmoh and Enver wear.

Nothing's cheaper than naked!

(I think that just became my motto.)


Anonymous said...

Yeah for DollHouse!

I your current header from Martyr's, which I watched (on your recommendation?) last night? Good movie but it seemed very Hostel like.

Jason Adams said...

In a superficial way, yeah, Martyrs and Hostel are similar, but I think they're ultimate purposes are pretty divergent. Hostel is less intellectual, more visceral - it's about making you feel that torture. Martyrs is about the whys, and dissects the entire genre's reasons for existence. I like Hostel very much but it's not really even in the same league as Martyrs, I don't think.