Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Bump! Baby Bump!

Since MNPP is generally not a gossip blog I don't really get the opportunity to use that phrase very often here, but I've got to admit that I have a real affection towards it in all of its awfulness. I don't know why. I just do. It's one of my many "quirks," like the way I clean my fingers after eating french fries or the harem of sex-slaves hidden under my bathroom's floorboards. Quirky!

Anyway, via JJ comes some shots including that one to the right of pretty pregnant lady Sarah Michelle Gellar on the set of hew new HBO series The Wonderful Maladys, and looking at the pictures made me swell up on my own with affection for SMG who I don't see often enough anymore. I hope the show's good. And I hope she gets to ample opportunity to be funny, because she's a wiz at comedy.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I'm sure you've already seen this, but there's a very positive early review of the Wonderful Maladys script at here: http://tvscriptdude.blogspot.com/2009/04/early-review-of-wonderful-maladys-hbo.html

Totally agree with you about SMG doing comedy. There just wasn't enough Buffybot in Buffy for my liking.