Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Am Link

--- Hail Mary Full Of - I keep hearing great things about this new horror flick called Grace and I'm beginning to feel crazed with a need to see it. So if anybody ever sees anything about it playing near NYC let me know (of if anybody's seen it themselves, rub it in in the comments!). It's been playing at festivals for months and months and months it seems and I kept not posting on it because it kept flitting in and out of my peripheral, but now I've passed the breaking point - must see! Must see now! Or soon! Must see soon! Or whenever! Just... please?

This was brought on by yet another rave for the film over at SlashFilm today.

--- That One - Over here there are a few more paparazzi shots of that one on the set of Mark Romanek's Never Let Me Go.

--- Too Late - If Ridley Scott hadn't spent the last twenty years making shitty movies I might be a little more excited about talk that he's maybe keen on doing a fifth Alien film, this one a prequel to his own 1979 film. But he has spent the past twenty years making shitty movies, and I honestly have more attachment to seeing Sigourney return to the franchise than I do seeing him do so, so him directing a prequel, which erases Siggy from the equation, doesn't excite me, it annoys me. She's done more for the franchise than he has. Frankly, at this point, Ridley Scott can go fuck himself for all I care; I'm done with him.

--- Anti-Coming - There's a second trailer for Lars von Trier's Antichrist over at Twitch.

--- Fantasy Boy - Aaron made a really delightful list of his 30 Favorite Fantasy Films yesterday, several of which I've not seen but were immediately thrust onto my queue reading his spin thereupon.

--- 1984 - There's a really swell piece at Cinematical reminiscing on the summer-moviegoing experience of 1984. I was only six years old and too young at that point to be going to most of these films - damned sheltered semi-religious upbringing! - but it brings back movie memories all the same. The Last Starfighter! And Ghostbusters and Gremlins came out on the same fucking day!

--- And finally, here are a couple of new-to-me shots (via) from Ang Lee's Taking Woodstock:


1 comment:

Sam Costello said...

Wow - Grace! I met Paul Solet (the writer/director, and a hell of a nice guy) at the Rhode Island Int.'l Horror Film Fest. maybe 4 or 5 years ago and he was talking about it then. It sounded awesome and it's so great to see that he was able to stick with it all this time and make it happen. Can't wait to see it!