Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Andy Serkis


The man who made Gollum turns 45 today.
I'm still sorta nursing a crush on him. Who knew?

They just officially announced today - it's been generally assumed to be the case for ages now - that The Hobbit is definitely gonna be turned into two films. Anyone remember how much of a part that Gollum plays in the book? I know, I know, it's short and I should be able to easily remember the general outline or I should just go sit down and read the thing again. It's been like five, six years since I did last read it. Whatev! Get off my back, voices-in-my-head. God.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Gollum only has one big part in the book, when Bilbo finds the ring and they challenge each other to riddles - but it's the best chapter in the book.

Apart from that I think he just skulks around following Bilbo much as he did with Frodo in LotR