Friday, April 10, 2009

Did Anybody Catch Parks & Recreation?


I forgot it started last night and missed it.
Do I want to seek it out? I love Amy Poehler.


shaun said...

I'm hoping it's a grower and not a shower...the first episode was just okay...then again, the whole abbreviated first season of the Office was JUST okay...look how that turned out...

Jason Adams said...

That was the consensus I was seeing everywhere, shaun; that last night's episode wasn't all that great but it has promise. So yeah, I'm thinking I might just skip last night's and start next week.

shaun said...

On the plus side, we did get that one bit of speedo yumminess you've so prominently featured here...

Karen said...

The promos gave too much away so it felt like I already seen a chunk of it. But it has promise. Last night's new Office was funnier though.

John said...

Who cares about Amy, who is that lifeguard? Help...I'm drowning, and I want mouth to mouth.

Fabrizzio said...

It was pretty has Office potential.

Kendall said...

I agree with the other posts but feel like I should mention it has Paul Schneider in it. That's always a good thing.