Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Which House On The What Now

I've been waffling on whether I want to see the Last House on the Left remake coming out this weekend, but a few things have convinced me in the past couple of days that I will indeed be going. First, there was this spoilery review of the film at AICN, which said this:

"I'm not sure who exactly I'm recommending LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT REMAKE to. This is more on the WOLF CREEK side of horror where people might hate it for being effective. If there's eyeballs and intestines popping out it's silly and you can laugh but there's less to defend you from this one. So it's only for certain tastes and then alot of those people are not gonna want to see it because they don't want to see a stupid remake. But just take my word for it this is one of the smarter ones."

Bringing up Wolf Creek goes a long way towards flagging down my attentions.

Next there was this interview with the film's main psychopath (and weirdly compelling) Garrett Dillihunt also at AICN, and I liked his answer here:

"AICN: As in the original, there's not a whole lot known about where Krug and his band come from or what he did to get himself thrown in jail in the first place. Does that sort of detail matter to you?

Dillahunt: It's always helpful for you [as an actor] to know, but it's not important for the audience to know all the time. I don't think it's important in this case, because that's kind of almost the point. This is evil; evil has come to your door, and what are you going to do? There's no explanation for it, it makes no sense, it's something outside your realm of understand, but it's here, so what do you do? And there are all sorts of parallels to that going on in the world today, however you define evil."

And lastly and finally cementing my vote yes in favor of going there's this bit from STYD:

"SXSW attendees are getting a full look at a rough cut of Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell this Saturday. But don't fret, horror fiend, a full trailer is coming enclosed with prints of The Last House on the Left this week!"

I'm there!


Jwise said...

JA -- I went to a screening last week and frakkin' loved it! you will too

Jason Adams said...

Awesome! I am most definitely going then.

Matt Sigl said...

I saw it last night. Oy. It lacks all the social critique of the original (where is the ineffectual bumbling police? The ironic music?) filling in the gap only with too-slick production values and a tacked on "test-audience-wanted-more-extreme-violence" ending. I found the film interesting only as perhaps the ultimate example of the kind of film Haneke was deconstructing in "Funny Games." It might as well be the same lakeside set with the same generic bougie couple at center. That being said, you still have to go see it, if only so we can read your opinion on this blog.