Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hunger Strikes

I read Suzanne Collins' book Hunger Games and found it to be a pretty decent yarn (although definitely and unmistakably written for young adults); everything you need to know about it is all in the description of it as "Battle Royale meets Running Man." Oh, and it has a spunky young heroine, which is a nice change of pace (Coraline aside, we don't see enough plucky girls these days). And it's the first in a planned trilogy of books (which I did not know going in, and annoyed me once I found out that I had to wait for the next two).

Yadda, it's being made into a movie (via). Anyone else read it? I think it's the closest we'll ever get here in the US to a version of Battle Royale (which I still hold out only-held-by-me hopes for Eli Roth to adapt).


Anonymous said...

Yours is the second recommendation that I read this book.
It is now officially on my "to be read" list.

Anonymous said...

I loved it! I was surprised how much it sucked me in, so I don't really mind the idea of a sequel. I'm a little worried about a movie living up to it though...

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed "The Hunger Games", and delighted there will be sequels.

I thought "Battle Royale" was a knock-out until the last 20 minutes, when the internal logic completely collapses.

The book it's based on, by the way, is set in an alternate world where Japan won WWII, and was never democratized by the US. That makes the plot a tiny bit more believable.