Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Am Link

---Promo Hugh - JJ has the first promo pic of Mr. Jackman as host for the Oscars. I keep spacing on the fact that he's hosting, and then when I do remember I wonder what it will entail anew. He's been trying to butch up his reputation with all this "I love my wife" talk, so will he do a fruity dance routine? Or will it be all Wolverine-ish with the tough guy schtick? I'll take you any way you wanna come at me, Hugh.

--- There's That Name - My search for a valid reason to post on Danny Dyer comes to an end; there's word of a new horror comedy called Doghouse that's been picked up in the UK starring the delectable Mr. Dyer and other people I have never heard of. I'll probably never get to see this movie, but it won't stop me from thinking about Danny right now anyway. Ahhh, adorable Danny.

--- Another Woody - Josh Brolin and Anthony Hopkins are signed on for Woody Allen's next film. Christ it's impossible to keep up with that man these days. Brolin seems an odd fit to me, I can't really picture him in Woody's world. We'll see; I suppose they know better than I.

--- The Rumors Are True, there is a Jane Austen meets George Romero thing happening. Pride & Prejudice... and Zombies, an actual book, is being made into an actual movie, probably. Love it, wanna marry it, and then feast on its brains.

--- I Walked With A Remake - I was mostly alright with the fact that the classic RKO horror film I Walked With A Zombie was going to be remade when they announced it because the film is old enough to warrant an attempt at an update. Even though everyone should see the beautiful original which still holds a strong, bizarre, atmospheric power. But now they've revealed that the director of Jason Goes To Hell - possibly the shittiest Friday the 13th movie ever made, which is saying a lot - is going to be helming this remake and I am not open to this remake idea any longer. FAIL. Or, ya know, prove me wrong, guy.

--- And finally, my pal Sean reviews the fifth and latest installment of the Scott Pilgrim series. I have got some catching up to do, I'm only read up through Vol. 3.


Anonymous said...

Not only is the Jane Austen zombie book real, but those of us that heard early also managed to score a free copy. They are absolutely loving the word of mouth buzz all this is bringing.

I am drooling the drool of coreseted zombies in anticipation of my late March mail.

Marcello Talone said...

I remember Josh Brolin in Woody's Melinda & Melinda and he was quite funny even in a small part...

Jason Adams said...

remy - good call on that, I guess I should've double-checked to see if he'd actually been in a Woody picture before. I don't remember anything about M&M though, except that I didn't hate it like everyone else did at the time. Still it obviously has not lingered in my brain since like I said I remember nothing about it.

Val - jealous of your free copy! I'm late to the party on this one, I guess. :(

Marcello Talone said...

Well, I remember because I think the actors were particullary strong in that film, it was a nice casting.