Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Hippo Eats Dwarf


(via, via)


Anonymous said...

Wow, the clipping scan adds so much to this. I want video

Jason Adams said...

Every single detail of this short story is note perfect, and adds up to one of the craziest things I've ever read in my life. The dwarf is named Od. The hippo is yawning. The hippo is named Hilda. The trampoline. The applauding crowd. The use of the phrase "freak accident" in reference to a swallowed circus dwarf. The mind boggles.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is a Lewis Black joke. It's from his album "Anticipation." He's talking about funny headlines and he says, "You know what a funny headline would be? 'Hippo eats dwarf.'"

Prospero said...

As much as I hate to burst the giggle bubble over this story, it is one of the oldest 'print' urban legends out there. It's hilarious to think about, and I am sure someone is going to put it in a movie someday, but it is sadly, not true. damn those folks at Snopes!

timothy grant said...

Sorry boys ... it's a hoax ...