Friday, February 06, 2009

Check And Mate To You, Lady

This bullshit is so ridiculous I can only take my hat off and offer the most sincere, awe-filled appreciation of it. As y'all might know, Josh Duhamel went and married that she-beast he was engaged to. I didn't post anything about it because it was a somber occasion for mourning. But now they've released some wedding pictures to US Magazine, and... oh just see for yourselves:

That is some slutty ass ridiculousness that I fully approve of. It's straight out of one of those couples lay-outs in Playgirl. I bow down to you both. Good work, sir and madam. Good work. Now... where's the rest? Come on Josh! We've seen it all already! I'll stomach her presence if I have to.


John said...

that last pic is hot, now can we just get rid of Fergie (no offense to her).

sparky2379 said...

I just hope she was able to hold her bladder for the duration of the ceremony, at least.