Friday, January 09, 2009

There Is A Battle Raging In My Brain

It's only due to the fact that I saw these two movies right in a row (thanks again, Joe!) but today I can't help but have this Battle Royale of Female Actors In Critic's Darlings Indie Movie Roles going on in my brain. And much to my surprise, the unexpected choice seems to be winning. So I need to know from y'all - "y'all" being relative here since I have to wonder how many of "y'all" y'all have seen both of these flicks - whose performance do you think was better?

Melissa Leo in Frozen River
or Sally Hawkins in Happy-Go-Lucky?



J.D. said...

I still haven't seen Frozen River (ugh), but it'll be hard for Leo (or anyone, for that matter) to beat Sally for me.

Joe Reid said...

I feel like I haven't had time to let either one marinate in my brain for long enough, but I agree it's a battle. Sally did know, stuff. But Leo had the more complicated character. I'm not sure if I could make the call yet. I think they're both gonna make my top 5, though.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Brilliant.

It's been an awsome year for actresses.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I have to say I prefer Hawkins of the two.

She's brilliant playing giddy and optomistic but then she also nails those quietly somber moments too. Like sitting with her student and the social worker.

Carl Joseph Papa said...

Hawkins miles miles better

Jason Adams said...

I have to say that it's Hawkins that I am leaning towards, and I didn't expect to find the performance so... fascinating. I really expected beforehand to love Leo's work, and I did - she's playing a woman that I know too too well from growing up around as a kid. Upstate New York hard-asses working at the dollar store struggling to get that double-wide... that sort of describes half the women my father has dated. And Leo got everything right, so I do have to give it to her. But as for Hawkins... I can't stop thinking about the way she made me feel crazy. She turned Poppy into one of the most fascinating creatures I've seen on-screen all year. And I don't mean that I fell in love with her - I was horrified and mystified by her 90% of the time, but I couldn't look away. Most importantly, I believed every second of it, though. I wouldn't have the patience for this woman in real life, and I didn't have the patience for her half the time in the movie but I sill found it captivating. It's ... conflicting. But I can't stop thinking about it.

Michael Parsons said...

Hawkins. The role is much more difficult to pull off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm hard or what but for me I prefer Leo, her character gives me a big memory. Hawkins for the other hand, sometimes was nice, sometimes I HATE her!.

Glenn Dunks said...

As great as Leo is - and Frozen River probably my top film from 2008 surprisingly - I will always (always) err on the side of sunny, happy and funny. If anyone can make a character like Poppy feel genuine and endearing then they get my vote.

RC said...

i love your graphic here, it's hillarious!!