Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Run Mike Run


Howdy, everybody! I trust everyone had a fine weekend and Monday? I am back from whatever whenever wherever and ready to blog once again. And while there's plenty of news that I missed over my long weekend, nothing beats this tidbit:

"Writer-actor-director Mike White is running “The Amazing Race” with his gay pop.

White is the “Freaks and Geeks” vet who went on to write “Chuck & Buck,” “Orange County,” “The Good Girl,” “School of Rock” and “Nacho Libre.”

He more recently wrote and directed the hilarious and harrowing “Year of the Dog,” one of 2007’s best movies if you’re asking me.

As an actor, White played Kim Kelly’s brother in “Geeks” and appeared in “Chuck & Buck,” “Undeclared,” “Orange County,” “The Good Girl,” “School of Rock” and “Pushing Daisies.”

Dad Mel White is described as a writer, filmmaker, professor, pastor and gay-rights activist."
I've never much watched The Amazing Race, save a few minutes here and there, but they've got themselves an instantaneous addition to my Tivo line-up now. Mike White! The wonderful, wacky, weird, insanely talented, delightfully off-putting (I mean that as high praise) fellow I've delighted in following for years! His name is written in cement on the list of people working today that I adore and worship. Running around like a damn fool with his queer pa! I'm positively intoxicated with gleeful anticipation over this. The show starts on February 15th.

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