Thursday, January 08, 2009


Ugh. Via:

"Talking to Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, show creator Bryan Fuller confirmed that, not only was tonight's scheduled episode pulled at the last minute, but there is no set date for transmission of the final episodes, tying up not only the cliffhanger of the last-shown episode ... but also all of the show's dangling storylines. Fuller's quoted as "sighing" that the final episodes "are not scheduled to air right now, and that's all we know."



DuchessKitty said...

I seriously fawking hate ABC! They act like douches with this amazing show, and yet greenlight and promote crap like that "True Beauty" dreck.

Joe Reid said...

True Beauty probably costs three dollars to make and people actually watched it, though.

I hate being the pragmatist in these situations, but economic reality is economic reality. ABC sucks because they failed to try Daisies out in a different time slot and they didn't bring it back soon enough after the strike. But I'm not sure if I can blame them for not burning off episodes nobody's watching. At the risk of being unpopular, I place the blame squarely on you, the viewer. [/Kent Brockman]

Plus, at the very least, they'll end up on DVD. You'll see them.

DuchessKitty said...

@Joe - harrumph
You're right. I just get so angry at ABC because they've repeated the pattern of mishandling assitude with great shows like Pushing Daisies for decades. The list of awesome shows that they've cancelled is 9 miles long, and yet they keep producing seasons of "The Bachelor/ette". It's infuriating!
I'll shut up now (preaching to the choir and all)...

Anonymous said...

Oh this is effed up beyond belief. I take tiny comfort in the future DVD--but, dammit, me want see NOW.