Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Let Lucy Cut Her Own Damn Cake


It's Lucy Liu's 40th birthday today! Can you all believe she's 40? I can't really believe it. Damned superior genes! Anyway, my head hat off to you, Miss Liu, and I wish I got to see you more often. I really don't get why your career's been so scattershot. She's hot! She's crazy! She's hot and crazy! Hello, Hollywood? Anybody home?

In related news, I see that Miss Liu's first role was in 1991 on Beverly Hills 90210 as "Courtney." I say as long as she's currently having a semi-streak of killing television programs (Cashmere Mafia: Dead! Dirty Sexy Money: Deceased!) she ought to reprise that role on the newfangled "Beverly Hills"-less titled CW version and stomp that shit into the ground; I don't want to find myself learning any of those actors' names and Jessica Walter should be trying to get a damned sequel to Play Misty For Me made anyway.

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