Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Joke Is On Me, I Guess

Well the second highest grossing film of all-time The Dark Knight comes out on DVD today and... I have no desire to buy the DVD or even watch the film for a good long while. Is that weird?

I liked the film just fine when it came out - saw it twice! - although I maintain that the film should have ended after the Joker was caught and the Harvey Dent stuff should have waited for a second sequel. But beyond that lil' bit of criticism, I thought Nolan made a smarter- than- it-needed- to-be and wholly entertaining popcorn picture, and Heath Ledger's performance is rightly one for the record books.

But I just need a break, ya dig? I'll be waiting until after the holidays to catch up with this one. Let the furor of this film's all-surpassing greatness die down, stop ringing in my ears.

How's bout y'all? Already have your plans to watch the movie again tonight? Or feeling a little sick of the bat-buzz too?


J.D. said...

I'm gonna see it a third time when it's re-released in theaters next month. And I'm holding out on the DVD till we decide if we're going Blu or not.

Jason Adams said...

I forgot that it's being re-released! BLURGH, I say to that. BLURGH.

Dancer in DC said...

It's so not just you! I have this movie on my list of "awesome movies that I NEVER need to see again." Possibly too disturbing.