Friday, December 05, 2008

I Am Link

-- Focus On Dudity - The Frisky made a list of this year's best male nudity in movies. I find it lacking. I look forward to granting my own gratuitous honors come January or whenever I get around to that crap. It's too bad Dr. Manhattan's wang is still a few months away though, huh?

--- Split
Milk - Even though I'm still not sold on the quality of Gus Van Sant's Milk, it has been weighing on my mind all week. Mostly it's just been about the guilt I feel because of my lukewarm reaction though, and not any real reassessment of the film itself. FourFour reviewed the film today and as usual, Rich says things good. One choice bit:

"I've long lamented the lack of a gay figure as inspiring and visible as the Malcoms and Martins, but now I think the issue is less about existence than exposure. In packaging Harvey Milk's story as something so consumable, Van Sant allows Harvey Milk to reverberate."

--- John Waters names his Top 10 films of the year and gives one of them the following bit of amazing praise:

"The most seductively sexual on-screen storytelling since Salò."

John, you fucked up monster, you complete me, I swear.

--- Buffy Pals Forever
- Willow and Andrew went shopping!

--- Tangina Crisps - Final Girl runs us down Poltergeist III memory lane.

--- Und schließlich, I wrote up this weird news about Darren Aronofsky wanting to make a Fountain v2.0 over at The Film Experience earlier today.

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