Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Gutes Gone Wild

I wasn't going to post this myself because I've already seen it everywhere by now... but wtf, I have a "Steve Guttenberg" tag for chrissakes, I might as well take advantage of such things when they present themselves.

Here is Steve Guttenberg running around Central Park in nothing but a sleeveless T-shirt and sneakers, jiblets to the wind...



It's unfortunate how many teenage-me fantasies this clip fulfills.


Anonymous said...

this is a fake right? Doesn't he have a show coming out?

Prospero said...

Guttenberg was so hot in "Cocoon," I went to see the movie six times, just so I could crush on his hot bod. Hell, I'd still do him. What an ass!


blurred genitalia fulfills your teenage fantasies???

Jason Adams said...

I was a weird kid, Nat.

prospero, I watched Cocoon all the time back in the day too for him. He was probably my first gay crush, actually.

Joe Reid said...

Nothing about this makes any sense to me whatsoever.

Prospero said...

Good to know we both have good taste...