Friday, October 10, 2008

Lovelace For Rose?

Now that Anna Faris has tossed aside her considered bid for serious credibility and decided to keep on keepin' on with the low-brow comedies for the foreseeable future, somebody needs to take up the role that was gonna be her in, and DH has the word on who it might be:

"The talented and stunning Rose McGowan is considering joining the cast of "Inferno," producer Brian Grazer's film about legendary "Deep Throat" star Linda Lovelace reports Fox News.

The film follows Lovelace's ultimately tragic life. After starring in that most popular of all porn films, she became a feminist and testified before Attorney General Ed Meese's Commission on Pornography in 1986. She died in 2002 due to severe injuries in a car accident.

Already cast are Bill Pullman as Hugh Hefner and Josh Lucas as Linda's husband Chuck Traynor who got her into porn.

First time writer-director Matthew Wilder will direct from his own script."

I love Rose so I be cool with this, but I'm still waiting - IMPATIENTLY - for Black Oasis, her bio-pic of B-movie actress and Wasp Woman Susan Cabot to get going... IMDb does have it listed as "In Production"! But all the word Rose can get is good with me.

Also, this is the first I've heard of Pullman and Josh Lucas's involvement with the film. Josh Lucas must have some sort of special interest in fictionalizations of porn's seedy histories - he already co-starred in Wonderland, that "Val Kilmer plays retired-dick John Holmes" movie. Anyway, Josh Lucas does sleazy really well...


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