Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Am Link

--- If it weren't for the mega-annoying enormous watermarks MTV insists on slapping all over the pictures in their galleries, these pictures would probably have gotten a post all their own. Alas - I'll just link to them somewhere other than MTV then. Dammit! BD has a gallery of new images from Sam Raimi's Return To Horror, Drag Me To Hell, starring Alison Lohman and Mac-dude.

--- It Must Be Wednesday - Cinematical gives some love what they call the Seven Greatest Supporting Performances In Horror. I might quibble here and there - oh how I might - but Christina Ricci in the Addams Family films is called out and for that I have nothing but admiration.

--- Speaking of the things I might quibble upon with that list, StinkyLulu's recent Supporting Actress Sunday gives much-deserved props to the major missing performance from Cinematical's list - that being Piper Laurie in Carrie of course, who gives one of the greatest performances in all horror films ever, supporting or not. "I liked it, I liked it!!!"

--- And finally, Jackson Rathbone, the actor recently cast in Clive Barker's Dread, spoke to STYD in defense of his previously filmed role in the much-maligned Richard-Kelly-less sequel to Donnie Darko, S. Darko.

"Look at the original Donnie Darko. When it was first released, did anybody like it? No, it was a year later," he says. "Through people talking, people got it. We're in an opposite boat, because people loved the first one after a while. Maybe they'll warm up to this, too. Or, they'll hate the idea of it, but once they see it, I think they're going to turn around."

He makes a good point, and I'll definitely see S. Darko... out of morbid curiosity perhaps, but a curiosity all the same. We'll see. It does have Nomi Malone in it, after all, so it can't be all bad.

1 comment:

StinkyLulu said...

And don't forget to tune in for my profile of La Laurie's performance on Friday...