Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Can Thank Me Later, Pedro

Now that Woody Allen has gone over to Spain and stolen some of Pedro Almodóvar's regulars, I think it's high time Almodóvar came to the US and used some American actors, no? And yes, funny that you should ask, I do have a suggestion:

It's perfect!

And can you believe that it's been 11 years since Javier Bardem did a movie with Pedro? They're still as connected in my brain as Pedro & Penelope Cruz are. Ever since Nat wrote that the other day I've been thinking about it; that probably also has to do with the fact that oddly I watched a few minutes of Live Flesh, their last pairing, over the weekend. And speaking of (man I can't keep on more than one thought for longer than a sentence), what the eff ever happened to Live Flesh's lead actor Liberto Rabal?

He was very pleasant to look upon (you can tell that Javier agrees). But back to Jake starring in an Almodóvar movie: I demand it! And if he wanted to write something for Jake that was something like the pool scene he wrote for Gael Garcia Bernal in Bad Education...

... well, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

1 comment:

Xenia said...

... well, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

Neither I. :)