Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Speak Of The Devil Dunst!

So Kirsten Dunst's involvement in the Spider-Man franchise may be up in the air at this moment, but there is movement on another project she's long been attached to. Via BD:

"Director Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego has officially been attached to his first American project, A Jealous Ghost, which already had Kirsten Dunst attached to topline.

... [The] 2005 novel [on which the film will be based] describes a young American woman who travels to London to write a dissertation on Henry James' classic ghost tale, "The Turn of the Screw," only to find that her own circumstances begin to reflect the strange happenings of the story. An older synopsis reveals that Dunst playing a young woman studying in London who, upon beginning a relationship with one of her professors, starts seeing demons."

I guess Lopez-Gallego previously directed the supposed-to-be-good horror flick King of the Hill, which hasn't seen any sort of release here (Everybody who guessed that it's the Weinsteins that own it gets a free punch to Harvey's face!). Twitch posted the trailer for that flick a few weeks ago, but there was no word of a release. Via the comments there though I see it's listed to be released on DVD on November 4th, I guess. Another quality horror movie dumped by the Weinstein brothers! One more notch on their beds in Hell! Hurrah!

Back to the immediate subject at hand, though: It's about time we saw a glossy update of "Turn of the Screw" though, wouldn't you say? The Others, I suppose, was sort of close, at least in tone. But I look forward to this. Kiki, y'all. Kiki.

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