Monday, September 22, 2008

Just Stop It, Diane Lane; You Are Embarrassing Yourself


I hesitate to mention this movie's title, because I wouldn't want any wayward Lane-loving moms to stumble over here after using "The Google" while looking for some "Sneak Peeks" about "their girl"'s new movie "romancing Dickie Gere," but no, Diane Lane. Just no. Stop dancing like that, for the love of Brolin's beard. It ages you twenty years every time I watch this trailer. I didn't realize they were making Mom Jeans: The Movie. Ugh. Way to kill your Cougar status, lady.


Joe Reid said...

Ohhhh. It's the haircut too. lady needs to find a Hillary bio-pic to star in, pronto.

FDot said...

I truly detest Diane Lane. A few years ago, I went to Lincoln Center's tribute to Francis Ford Coppola. She was one of the speakers. After it was over, I was standing by the stage door with a friend and about 8 other people. She came out and my friend asked her for an autograph. She waved her hand around in a circle at the 10 of us and said. "If I give an autograph to you, I'll have to give an autograph to everybody", then walked straight to her limo and was driven away. The massive crowd of 10 people just stared at each other in shock. I have not seen any of her movies since.

Dave said...

I'm not sure if I find her facial expression(s) hilarious or utterly repulsive.

Jason Adams said...

Both, dave. It is both.

Pax Romano said...

Well I give it points for having James F. and Chris M.

Such formulaic crap.

Sassy Black Best Friend - CHECK
Horses running on the beach - CHECK
Storm swept beach house - CHECK
(Late) midlife crisis - CHECK's gonna' make a billion!

Time to re-watch The Cotton Club

Anonymous said...

I'll bet the sex scene is cut with shots of the storm battering the beach house. People were loudly laughing when this trailer was shown last weekend...

Catherine said...

That trailer is the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen. The first time I saw it, I was in the cinema with my sister and the moment Richard Gere began "All my life, I wanted to be the best doctor I could be...", we just lost it. Like, actually howling with laughter. Once we saw Diane Lane's ridiculous slow-mo dancing, the tears started rolling. Just when I was about to regain my composure, my sis leaned over and hissed "That's Ann Veal!!!" and I was gone again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's my age, I'm 47....but I loved the movie, and I love Diane Lane as an actress. I find her very real, and to those of us in our 40's, the courage she displayed in not playing it safe and returning to a cheating husband gave many women strength. The idea that someone our age could find romantic love again is uplifting. I suspect some of you are young and just don't get it.