Friday, September 19, 2008

Crap! I Forgot Josh Duhamel...

... is in the Transformers movies. Dammit. Easy to forget, since I don't think he had anything of interest to do in the first one. Although, to be fair to him, no one did. God that movie ate my brain with its idiocy. Anyway, he did look smashing in his fatigues... and he does here again, on the set of the sequel...

(via; click him to embiggen)

The only thing - THE ONLY THING - that would force me to see the sequel would be the promise of Duhamel flesh. Which means Bay will go and include a shot of Josh with his shirt off in the trailer, because Michael Bay wants to murder my will to live.


Joe Reid said...

WAS there any good Josh-ogling to be had in Transformers? I barely remember him being in that movie. If I want to look at Josh, I'll...well, come to this blog, I suppose.

Jason Adams said...

Not really. Besides him in an Army uniform, which is a treat in itself. But yeah, I really don't remember him in the movie at all. Although I've blocked a good 90% of the entire thing from my brain, at least. I remember one of the robots peeing on John Turturro, and that being the moment I mentally checked out of the movie.