Monday, August 11, 2008

I Am Link

--- First up, a pair of Simon Pegg bits - AICN has got the next string of teaser posters for JJ Abrams' Star Trek re-whatever-ening, and they include our first glimpses of Pegg as Scotty and Karl Urban (swoon) as Bones.

And secondly, Pegg has joined the cast of Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards, along with David Krumholtz and Nastassja Kinski - Kinski's casting is the sort of casting I love to see from QT... a nearly forgotten star shepherded out of obscurity and (presumably) given a role that reminds us all why they rocked. I've watched a lot of Kinski's heyday flicks lately for the first time, and I can't wait to see what QT does with her.

--- Shing-a-ling, what a creepy thing! The Film Experience's next round of its new Musical of the Month series is one of my faves - 1986's Little Shop of Horrors. It's got sadistic dentists, carnivorous space vegetation, and ELLEN GREENE... oh Ellen... it has it all, in other words. Mark your calendars for September 6th!

--- Speaking of things-to-do, Low Resolution's second chapter of the Book Club's take on Watchmen is up today... must finish book I am reading and catch up... sigh... so slow...

--- Sleight of Trick - Warner Bros might still have plans to release Michael Dougherty's flick Trick 'r Treat... maybe... according to BD. Golly it'd be nice for there to be a happy ending to one of the horror flicks I've wanted to see for years now. Dare I dream... ETA Nope! Liars!

--- Whither Hack - STYD has a bit from Justin Marks, the fellow who's writing the script for Hack/Slash, the comic series about a gal who hunts and kills slashers (Like Buffy! But with slashers instead of vampires! And... not as good!) No, I recently read the first set of stories (Omnibus #1) and the series has it's moments, and it's a great idea and could make for a kick-ass movie or even a series of films. It kept feeling like something waiting to realize it's full potential though. I haven't read more, so if it starts knocking it out of the park somebody let me know. I have hope for it. Anyway, the film is still aways from happening, it seems.

--- And finally, and most delightfully, Final Girl gives us a list of things she loves about the film Sleepaway Camp. Bow down to the many stares of Angela... not to mention my beloved Judy... since we're on the topic, here's a link to my old post on the film. What, I can't steal the moment for myself a sec? Pshaw, I says! And crikey. And yes, my rheumatism is acting up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, Simon Pegg is my new celebrity obsession. I started watching Spaced this weekend and I couldn't stop and I have already watched all of it. SO FUNNY. If you haven't seen it yet when you come here I am going to make you watch some with me. And now I am excited about this Star Trek movie.