Thursday, August 07, 2008

I Am Link

--- Love You, EW Commenters -'s got a bit of a scoop on two new characters joining Lost this season... there's a tough dude named Ceasar and a tough chick named Ilanna. They ask for casting suggestions in the comments, and the first thing I spot? A chorus of "Kristen Bell!"'s ringing across the board. LOL. Awesome.

I wish she'd done Lost instead of Heroes too, y'all (although giving up that giant Slurpee cup moment is a hard decision to make), but I think she'll probably be a little busy with Electro-girl duties to join our sexy islanders this go-round... alas...

--- Button Up - JoBlo has the first review from a screening of David Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and it confirms every thought and feeling I've had on this project since conception:

A) Oh my crap, AWESOME!
B) This is so weird, this being a David Fincher movie.

--- What's Your Avatar - Jim Cameron chatted up THR earlier this week... as usual, it's mostly all about the technology he's created and blah blah blah I am tired of the techno-speak. Can I see something, anything, please? A lock of Sigourney's hair would last me a month, I swear.

--- The Revolution Has Begun - Low Resolution's Book Club started today with the first chapter of (crazy-ass) Alan Moore's Watchmen. I'm going to end up playing catch-up it seems, since I am trying to finish Anansi Boys right now and can only read one thing at a time (yes, even if a second thing would only be a graphic novel... not to say Watchmen is "only" a graphic novel, since it's basically the preeminent example of its entire genre... I'd never... WTF was I talking about?)... ahem. Check out Joe's stuff.

--- And finally, the greatest thing I've seen today: This story at Gawker that connects the dots between Senator John Edwards' (purported, whatever) mistress Rielle Hunter and her various literary iterations all the way to the film of American Psycho, where she was discussed in the fantastic scene with the boozy (and Final Girl-directed actress!), hilarious Guinevere Turner. Classic.


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