Once again, she ruled. Everything else was just so goddamned routine though. Been there, laughed at it when I was five and it was called Zapped! or Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol.
Basically, it was what I expected. But now that it's #2 at the box office, just barely beaten by Tropic Thunder's second week, maybe somebody with actual talent will write a comedy around her. Maybe? Where is her Punch-Drunk Love? Am I gonna have to do this myself?
That said, the eyes are the nipples of the face!!!
I think you're a bad witch. I think the house that falls on you will be a sexy house.
She was really good in the movie.
"Ooooh she went accident in her sexy pants!" Ha! I totally forgot that scene. Classic.
Emma Stone was not half bad; I kinda felt like she was playing Jonah Hill and/or Michael Cera half the time. It was funny.
But Anna was just... you know, looking at her in the movie... it was like a DeNiro-esque transformation she underwent. I mean that, too. She changed herself so hardcore physically, it was sort of shocking at times.
Don't knock the writers and then quote on their best lines. You should check out the slate.com review. HOUSE BUNNY pulled off a corny premise with a great deal of class and brains.
Quite worthwhile info, much thanks for the post.
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