Thursday, July 17, 2008

Watch The Watchmen Trailer

edited again - Okay, it's up at Apple now - see it here!

ETA Okay, so they took it down... but I managed to get a bunch of screengrabs! I imagine it'll be attached to The Dark Knight, so you'll be able to see it in motion that way very very soon... but for now...

You might notice there at the end how they've solved the problem of Big Blue's nudity... spacey thong action!

Anyway, I'll be damned if this doesn't look right. No?


Joe Reid said...

"I'll be damned if this doesn't look right"

My thoughts exactly. Need to see!

Bea said...

It looks AMAZING. I kind of can't believe it.

Pfangirl said...

Just... WOW! It's so spot-on.

Anyway, as for the thong, I don't think it means Manhattan won't be nude in 1986. In the multi-Manhattan screen cap (which is from a scene that takes place in 1986) he's clearly naked.

In the Vietnam sequences in the graphic novel I'm sure he did wear a thong... in fact, when he starts his superheroics in the 1950s-1960s the government makes him wear a full body suit.

Over time though, as he loses interest in humanity, Manhattan starts stripping off parts of his costume until eventually he is fully naked.

Ugh, I feel so geeky now ;)

Jason Adams said...

You're totally right, pfangirl. I noticed the nudity like the 4th time I watched the trailer... I kind of can't stop watching it! SO GOOD. Anyway, good call; it's been a few years since I read the book and I'm not a huge expert on it. This trailer made me want to pick it up and read it again right now, though.

PIPER said...

Looks cool.

"From the Visionary Director of 300?"


Joe Reid said...

Yeah, I'm choosing to block out any and all connections to 300 in the ramp-up to this movie. My hope (and expectation) is that he'll be able to keep the technical skill and ditch...everything else that made that movie so assy.

Jason Adams said...

Hey! I liked 300. I will defend 300. Y'all back off.

PIPER said...

I'm not a 300 hater, it's just "visionary director" that kind of bugs. Seems a little premature.