Friday, July 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

I guess I really have just got to jump on the Neil Patrick Harris bandwagon, eh? Over at they've got up Dr. Horrible: An Oral History - well worth reading - and NPH says this:

"I'm a huge Joss fan, professionally but also personally. We travel in the same circles. I am very close friends with Amy Acker, who was on Angel for many years, and of course the connection with [Buffy alum] Alyson Hannigan [who stars with me on How I Met Your Mother]. I even read for a part as a regular on Firefly, for the doctor, and it almost happened. So when the phone rings and it's him, I'm quick to pick up. He said, ''I am doing a Web musical —'' and I said ''yes.'' And then he got mad and said ''Wait a second, let me pitch first.'' And then he told me the name of it, and the idea behind it and the reasoning behind it and I said ''Hell, yes.''"

He was almost in Firefly! He's friends with Amy Acker! Wait a second... he's living the life I was meant to lead. Somehow, someway, I should've been considered to play Doogie Howser. I would've looked smashing in a lab-coat at 12. I'll get you, Neil Patrick Harris!!! Life-stealer!

Has everybody caught all of Dr. Horrible? I watched it on Sunday... a low-key, silly affair, but it was very fine. I will - as if there was ever any doubt - buy the eventual DVDs. Bad Horse!

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