Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Am Link

Wowza, I got loads to link to this morning, so stop wondering why Christian Bale beats his family (Seriously - WTF?) and check out these things instead...

--- Before Boomer - The trailer for Caprica, Ron Moore & Co.'s prequel movie to the Battlestar Galactica universe is online over at SciFi.com. Lots of AI-type "What makes a human human?" debate appears to be central to the story.

--- After Ebert - Rog has released a statement on his (and Roeper's, although who gives an eff over Roeper) release from his show At The Movies... Disney wants to "take it in a new direction" I guess... whatever way it goes, there lay the gutter, I'm sure. Roger says:

"Few shows have been on the air so long and remained so popular. We made television history, and established the trademarked catch-phrase "Two thumbs up."

The trademark still belongs to me and Marlene Iglitzen, Gene's widow, and the thumbs will return. We are discussing possibilities, and plan to continue the show's tradition."

--- Fancy Dress - BD has got a big ol' still from The Wolf Man, showing Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, and Emily Blunt all in their appropriately somber proper Victorian garb... love it:

So glad that they're keeping this thing period.

--- Bring On The Synecdoche - Sony Pictures Classics is looking to snap up Charlie Kaufman's crazy-anticipated-by-me flick Synecdoche, New York and have it out by year's end. Fingers, toes, nethers crossed.

--- Whither The Meat - BD has a clip from The Midnight Meat Train, which rolls into a few theaters at the end of this month; meanwhile, Dread Central has word that Meat's visionary-type crazy-ass Japanese director, Ryuhei Kitamura, plans on remaking his balls-to-the-blood-spattered-wall 2000 flick Versus for American audiences. Um... okay!

--- Polish On - The only Polish Bros. film I've seen is Twin Falls, Idaho, which I do remember liking, but this gallery of behind-the-scenes stills from their latest, called Manure (!), starring Billy Bob Thornton... well they've grabbed my attention. Here are a couple:



Scott said...

If you like those images you should watch Northfork.

Jason Adams said...

Northfork's one of the movies that's been sitting on my Netflix queue for years... guess perhaps I ought to slide it up.


Ben Lyons is taking over that show.
the world is going to hell

Jason Adams said...

I know!!! I hadn't read it was Ben Lyons until just a little while ago... and honestly, I wish I never knew it. I wish I'd been hit by a bus before hearing that news. Ben Lyons is ABYSMAL. His frat-dude reviews are like sticking railroad spikes into my brain. I'm glad to see you're as horrified as me, Nat, because GOOD GOD.

J.D. said...

Ben Lyons makes angels shoot themselves.




you can cross your nethers!?? I'm so jealous