Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I Am Link

Have fallen behind! Playing catch up! Not playing with ketchup. I am not one of those food-fetish people. Eww. Sticky. What? Argh, nonsense. Aaaaaanyway, I'm gonna be quick with these because hello, loads of things.

--- Dario Argento's next flick, Giallo, has a pair o' posters at BD... that one to the left there is lovely; the other one sucks balls. And there are also some sorta gruesome (what else, really) stills, also at BD.

--- Y'all remember the trailer I posted for Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog last week? The internet-only musical thing? Well io9 has some info from the man himself on when it'll appear - here's a hint: JULY 15TH AKA MY BIRTHDAY; thanks for the present, Joss! Love you too! - as well as info on an eventual DVD release.

--- There are a pair of reviews up for Baz Luhrmann's Australia over at AICN - here's the first one and here is the other.

--- The trailer for Quantum of Solace can be seen over at The Film Experience.

--- Straight off of his terrible, terrible performance in The Happening, Mark Wahlberg is telling MTV that his next flick, Darren Aronofsky's The Fighter, is set to shoot this Fall. Might wanna think about setting some ground rules with that one, Darren.

--- Helena Bonham Carter is shooting a top-secret small part in the fourth Terminator movie? According to LAT it's the lead villain role. Whatever - I'm just killing time until she and Julie Walters go at it. BITCH!!!

--- Much-anticipated (by me) horror-flick Trick'r'Treat has been stuck in limbo for ages - just like everything I show the slightest bit of interest in - but its writer-director Mike Dougherty told Moviehole that there's another distributer is interested, so it's not completely dead yet.

--- And finally, did y'all know that Johnny Depp is currently shooting the movie version of 21 Jump Street?

Oh wait, he's just wearing an outfit from 1992 and still looks 20 years old? Huh.

1 comment:

Agnes B said...

Re Johnny Depp: It's Wisconsin. Dress casual isn't part of our vocabulary. At least we're not Idaho, then Johnny would look like Napolean Dynamite.