"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
Gods, SERIOUSLY. I literally have no idea what's going to happen next. You know, at that ephemeral date when we'll someday get to see the rest of the season. Ugh, fuck OFF, Sci Fi. But you keep rocking on, Mary McDonnell. LOVE HER.
That show broke my brain. Or maybe it was the vodka.
What the frak?!
Is is the future? A post nuclear Earth?
I half expected to see the Statue of Liberty sticking out of the sand... "You damn dirty Cylons!"
Was there a war btwn the Cylons and Humans on Earth? We know the final five have been to Earth. Can they resolve all these questions with how many episodes left?! Apollo says to Deanna that it doesn't "have to happen again" so could we think that this is Earth in the very disant past?
Are we sure this is even Earth? They never actually show it with the continents in place.
Is Bob Dylan the Final One?!
"Many are the poets who tie the knot well but unravel it ill."--Aristotle
Oh My Frackin' Gods!
I downloaded this late Saturday night (I'm in the UK so I don't really have a choice) and could not believe the events that unfolded in this episode.
I was quite drunk when I watched it which seemed to make the breakneck speed of the storyline hurtle along even faster.
Edward James Olmos deserves an Emmy for the scene where he's drowning his sorrows upon discovering his oldest friend's true identity. That was easily the most touching part of the episode.
I knew everything seemed to be going along a bit too well upon Starbuck's discovery of the Colonial signal and was half expecting the Cylon ship to blow Earth to smithereens.
However I was not ready for that final scene which panned across the cast and started with Bill picking up the rubble. Maybe it's 'cause I was bladdered but I thought this shot was absolutely beautiful. The expressions on everyone's faces said so much more than any dialogue would have done. Genius!
I find the relentless bleakness of this show so frakkin' amazing. I was convinced the last ever episode would involve them finding Earth. Trust the producers to pull the rug out from under us and to show us Earth as a barren war-torn planet 10 episodes before the show finishes. It's typical BSG really and when considering the nihilistic feel of the show it's not a huge surprose that they did this.
It sorta reminded me of the last scene from Lost Season 3. For years the momentum was on the 815ers escaping the island and suddenly the whole show is turned on its head when we realise that not only do people escape the island in the near future, but (at least some of them) feel it their duty to get back.
I can only assume the last 10 episodes invlove the (now united?) humans and Cylons searching for a new place to call home. I really hope there is a glimmer of hope when the show comes to a conclusion as an ending like that one will leave me suicidal!
Although I'm frustrated that the last episodes won't be aired until 2009 I don't feel too robbed as this really felt like a season finale.
My only complaint would be that I feel there has been enough material in the first 10 episodes of Season 4 to warrant the same storylines being part of a 20 episode run. Some of the plots have felt a little rushed to say the least.
What's the lastest on the 2 hour Razoresque TV movie? I'd also read that there would be some minisodes to bridge the gaps between episode 10 and 11. Any ideas?
This is the first season where I've been completely caught up and thus have to wait along with everyone else to watch more BSG.
It fucking sucks!
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